'Riot As One' is available on all digital platforms

What is this song about

It feels like the entire world is marching against something. Imagine all of our fractional movements converging into one harmonious organism of resistance; against the ruling strategies of division and control.

As individuals, we are not meaningless and our actions can have profound effects. But we will need to riot as one to dismantle the sordid paradigms that have come to dictate our lives. Those established constructs can be broken with a united, gentle force. Even minimal pressure, if applied by many millions, is irresistible.

Our suggested instruments of defiance are consumer disobedience, economic sabotage and circumventing the neo-liberal marketplace. All these ideas coalesce quite naturally in community living. That is where all our struggles should lead us: closer to each other.




Riot as one

It’s been almost 20 years and we’re deeper than we’ve ever been.
Such a sordid paradigm and the scale is something we have never seen.
We have minds on merchandise and entire countries on the run.
They’re about to charge us for the rain and they sure will charge us for the sun.

Riot as one, before they charge us for the sun

Don’t buy into the paradigm that there is really nothing you can do.
As a law abiding citizen, your real power is where you consume.
Or do you call yourself an anarchist? Then put your disposition in a useful gear.
You should be burning the gargantuan and not the f#€&ing livelihood of your social peers.
Do your very worst, by doing ever less (it’s an act of doom)
Do your very worst, high in the upper class (deconsume)

Riot as one, before they charge us for the sun
When the cabal is hitting everyone, deconsumption is your smoking gun

Don’t slip into the state of mind that we are somehow meaningless.
If we leave this marketplace our human hearts will coalesce.
Do your very worst, aiming for the brass (it’s an act of doom)
Do your very worst, high in the upper class (deconsume)

Riot as one, before they charge us for the sun

There’s over 99 point 9 percent of us, still we’re conducted by a puny clan of avarice.
There’s a strategy for everyone to contribute, to a conversion too impervious to miss.
I’m anything but meaningless, you’re anything but meaningless.
Our human hearts will coalesce, we’re anything but meaningless

Riot as one, before they charge us for the sun